
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Near miss

Effort? Poor, please see me. Not only have I not blogged for weeks, but I've also missed a significant date. But I do have an excuse.
My recent accident has left me in a lot of discomfort - and a less-than-flattering neck brace. In fact, we're really in the wars here because co-incidentally SO has a herniated disc and is also incapacitated. We've been stuck in the house for most of the last fortnight and there's a lot of grouchiness going around.
I've been told by my doc to keep  off keyboards, which rules out most of my work - and all of my blogging (there's a vanilla blog out there too somewhere). Facebook, Twitter and all of that is off the menu too.
And I have to say it has been an interesting experience. If you can't write you have to read, listen - damn it, even think a little... Anyway, today it occurred to me that I must be somewhere close to my Another Country bloggerversary, so I've sneaked on to take a look -- and I've missed it! 
Yes, it was actually on November 2 last year that I got started out on this particular journey. Shame I let the day go by unmarked. 
So for a belated celebration I thought I'd direct you to this blog's single most read post over it's short life, which had the title 'More Benson'. Yes, it seems that the one thing that unites visitors to Another Country is a love of the works of the brilliant Mr Benson;  we're a broad church, but a belief in Benson keeps us together.
I think it makes sense then for me to mark a year's worth of bloggery by closing my eyes and having a dreamy Benson moment )but without moving my head). Please do join me.