
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

An eyeful of inspiration

Life's an odd mixture at the moment. I'm close to the end of the draft one of my first novel, an adventure into trying to spin out my spanko fantasies, and trying to hit a self-imposed deadline. That's exciting, but it's happening at a time when there are deadlines in my ordinary writing life too.
So, I'm having to squeeze two or three hours into the day for the novel and do everything else as well. It's normally an hour early in the morning and another at midnight.
When there is time to write it's often difficult getting my head into the right space to order. It can take some time browsing through photo blogs to get there.
The great thing about the randomness of the stuff you come across is that it can send your imagination off in directions that might otherwise not have come along. Like this image discovered this morning.
What is it all about? Love the outfits and the period feel of it all. I've spent the rest of the day with it on my mind (when I should have been focussed on something much more 'important'). 

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