
Friday, 27 January 2012

Greatest spanking shoot ever?

Should be working this afternoon, but instead I found myself rummaging around in the archive of the excellent Mr Whacker
Mr W does a huge servcie to us all by keeping alive some classic stuff from the days before the internet. Hard times for we spankos, when looking up the s-word in a dictionary was about as exciting as life could get. But there was Janus and when it was good, it was very, very good indeed.
Maybe it was because images of spanking-related stuff were few and far between. Perhaps it's just that I was at an impressionable age. But some of that Janus stuff feels like it has been etched onto the inside of my eyelids.
And the Nicola and Priscilla shoot is, for me, THE Janus shoot. Beautiful pictures. Looking at them again the B&W ones are much livelier than the colour ones. Did they shoot one and then the other, or did the photographer just switch cameras along the way; either way the colour ones look rather staged and flat in comparison.

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