
Sunday, 1 January 2012

Oh yes, and Happy New Year

The hangover has eased a little now and I'm feeling a bit less bratty. Moaning about Christmas presents on New Year's Day is not nice behaviour, is it.  In any well-regulated householder the moaner would be taught the error of their ways ("...up to your room right away and wait for your punishment...").
The first day of the year should be about looking forwards and resolutions, shouldn't it? Start out with a positive mental attitude.
In 2012 I'm planning to be a better writer in my day job and to write better fiction too, both vanilla and not. Plenty of blogging as well, even though it steals fiction-time.
If there's one wish for the coming year - and no it's not about some selfish whinge about presents - it's that I can find more time to devote to writing. It can  be difficult to make it a priority, but there's nothing quite like sitting (comfortably?) in front of a keyboard exploring your own imagined universe.

1 comment:

  1. Time flies. It's up to you to be the navigator.Best wishes for 2012.
    Paolo (in Dublin)
