
Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Down the aisle

I thoroughly approve of the US tradition of the birthday spanking, but it seems to me that other significant dates need marking in a similar way. And I use the word marking  advisably.
Tomorrow is my, sorry our, wedding anniversary. I won't say which anniversary it is (I'm of a generation that doesn't encourage too much accuracy when it comes to age and birthdays), but there's a clue in the fact that I'm expecting china presents. Made of china that is, not necessarily made in China.
When we tied the knot the word 'obey' had been dropped from the vows, sadly. I'd have preferred that it hadn't as hearing that word being used in a church in front of so many people would have been a bit of a thrill.
I've no truck for any of that surrendered stuff, but I always rather liked the obedience thing that goes with the marriage tradition. Just living together would have been a bit flat by comparison.
And from a quick image search I reckon the kinky frisson that comes with the words love, honour and obey is understood by lots of people.They may not know it, but on some sub-conscious level they're hearing the words: 'You may now spank the bride...'
Is this the spanko majority getting a little overheated, or is there something in the tradition of the marriage ceremony that awakes the sleeping spanko in vanilla folk?


  1. Indeed, it is highly erotic to promise to obey. Too bad the PC police are running the show. My fiancee made the promise to obey in private, so as to not offend or shock the congregation.

  2. I'm not sure if it's the obeying bit that's erotic. Isn't it the disobeying that's such a thrill?

  3. Well, from a man's perspective, hearing the promise is an exciting moment. It's later on, when she "forgets" who she was obeying, and why, that the rubber hits the road. That might be erotic too, but I'll have to get back to ya'll on that.

  4. I understand the titillation inherent in submission and obedience, which is why we didn't make our wedding ceremony into a "highly erotic" moment. I spank my wife but, as part of the marriage vows, it would have been inappropriate for her to promise to obey, not because "PC police" were running the show, but because obedience is part of a private contract. What does "promise to obey" actually mean? It varies greatly couple to couple, certainly in the realm of adult spanking, so we chose to avoid ambiguity.
