
Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Leading man

I think I'm suffering from a crush, something that hasn't happened since Year 5. We went to see 'The Woman in Black' last night, which turned out to be suitably spooky though not quite as good as the stage play or Susan Hill's book.
But the sets, costumes and general feel of it all are fantastic. It's all so tight-laced and Edwardian - lots of highly-charged emotion that's only just being controlled.
Daniel Radcliffe is so good as the central character. He battles on manfully, but is so confused and vulnerable by it all. 
And he looks so good in the period costumes and is, frankly, really quite hot... He's certainly grown beyond Harry Potter.
In between the scary bits I found that the film was sometimes a little slow, and my mind wandered a bit. I found myself thinking how Eel Marsh House was the perfect setting for the very best sort of Victorian spanko drama - all dark corridors and small, confining rooms.
And what a great central character Daniel R would make in that spanking story. In 'A Week in the Country' I had the lead male be a spanker and a spankee - while enjoying neither role.
Daniel would be able to get the confusion and reluctance Charles Bunning feels as both top and bottom just right. Perhaps I should write a script and see if he'd be interested in a movie project.   

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