
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

On the beat

"It's coming along at a spanking pace," he said. I have to say that stopped me in my tracks. It was a response to an innocent question (over the phone, from me) to a colleague.
I was asking about how a commissioned article was coming along. For a moment I was thrown and wondered if there was some sort of sub-text.
But then I realised that 'a spanking pace' is an every day turn of phrase for anyone other than a spanko. If we'd been face-to-face I suspect I'd have blushed and, I suspect, given the game away.
Luckily we weren't, so my cover isn't blown - or so I hope. But it has made me wonder what a spanking pace might be.
It's all a question of tempo, isn't it? Personally, I need a brisk tempo. A larghissimo (very, very slow at 20 bpm and below) wouldn't do at all, but andante (at a walking pace, 76–108 bpm) might be a little too fast.
Given the choice I think I'd opt for adagietto (rather slow 70–80 bpm) building to a climatic finish at allegro. Apparently that's fast, quickly and bright, 120–168 bpm. Perhaps I should buy SO a metronome. Or would that be topping from the bottom.


  1. You are wonderful, love the post and the lines and the picture.

  2. Yes, I enjoy throwing in the word spank or spanking in conversations, when I can see the other persons reaction... sometimes it is quite interesting, and I always wonder what they are thinking. Now if I am talking to a known spanko, I know what they are thinking.. hehe.

    As far as tempo is concerned, I think you have it about right :)


    1. I must try that sometimes. Friend: "New shoes?" Me: "Yes, brand SPANKING new..."
      Problem is I think it would be me doing the blushing and stuttering, which would rather defeat the object.

    2. Along those same lines, I went out with friends last night. The husband was complaining about how much his wife had spent shopping in a light hearted way, so I said "guess you are just going to have to spank her!" Their reaction was great, he said "good idea" and she said "you think so huh?", and we all had a good laugh.


  3. Hah! Clearly topping from the bottom ...unless SO sets the tempo. I'd call it being helpful. But why not a perfect spanking for the recipient? I'm strange in that I like to imagine programmable spanking machines. Choice of position for spankee secured, chosen implement attached, number of spanks and precise target area(s) designated, dynamic intensity and tempo orchestrated... could be programmed for self-spanking or by the top. Great for tops feeling a bit larghissimo.

    I've gotten better, but the word spanking spoken in mixed company always makes me feel self-conscious. Embarrassed as a boy. I think spanking for me is something between Largo and Adagio, a beat per second give or take. That would be for an implement such as the hairbrush or small paddle. For hand or lighter implement, an energetic Allegretto.
