
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Seaside break

From her deckchair by the beach hut Nanny watched her charges with the help of a pair of rather elderly field glasses, which had once been carried by her late, lamented fiance Captain Smart. Time had passed, but the optics were undimmed and still provided a good, sharp image - she could see the girls perfectly well, but they were quite unaware that they were being observed.
Away from the confines of day-to-day domestic life the young ladies were in very high spirits and their behaviour was becoming anything but ladylike. As she watched she pondered what action she should take when they returned to their guest house.
A severe chastisement was called for, but would her strap deliver the lesson that was required? Perhaps she should ask her landlady to send out for a cane.
(Picture reblogged from the top-notch Wicked Knickers)


  1. I remember seeing, many years ago now, one of those naughty seaside postcards showing a young lady lying on her tummy sunbathing. Of course her scantily-covered bottom was on show and the caption read...Some girls get tanned where they should be spanked!' I think that might be a good caption for your photo above, OFG???!!!

  2. I love those cards. I must do a bit of googling to some other spank-related ones. Thanks for the thought.

  3. If the young lady in question wishes to expose her snow-white bare bottom in such a public manner, it should be rendered a steaming, stinging red.
    Nanny's strap should suffice, especially on a wet bottom, but perhaps a more public shaming is called for. The cane would be an admirable instrument and would undoubtedly leave a more lasting impression (pun intended)...

  4. I'd rather assumed that the bottom in question would have air-dried, but perhaps not.
