
Saturday 4 August 2012

Coloured judgment

Do you ever suspect that your spankoness colours your whole life? Or to put it another way, if you took it out of the mix that is you how much would change?
Today I was looking at a to-die-for red dress that I loved, but couldn't afford. Then I thought about how many other items in my wardrobe are red. 
Rather too many really. Why red? Could it be something to do with the fact I like bottoms red too. Maybe if I was deep vanilla I'd like green or blue.


  1. I think spankoness colours things a great deal, in a huge variety of ways, only some of which we're actually aware of. It's part of our inherent make-up, after all.

    I would definitely be a very different person if my kink suddenly disappeared. And I think I'd be a less fun and interesting person for it. But then I can't actually imagine how it would feel to be me but kinkless, which I guess goes to show how much a part of me it is. I might as well try to imagine not having a sense of touch.

    And red is so the sexiest colour.

  2. You're so right, it's hard to imagine being without it. I sometimes get a sense of kinklessness when I'm ill - bad cold or whatever - and libido/spankoness disappear. And that hint of what it would be like is a bit scary - the world's more than a bit grey... (And tht's not an oblique reference to THAT book)

    1. Ah yes, of course! When you're ill and you feel horrid and flat and unsexy in general, and kinky romping is the last thing on your mind - that's what it must be like.

      I like it better the other way!

  3. Very interesting. My spankoness is so much internal. If it was gone today, I don't think anyone who knows me could see a difference. I'm not sure exactly how it has colored my life, probably a lot, but many of the ideas embraced with power, authority, and traditional discipline actually run counter to who I am, or to my feelings and values. However, like you I often see spanking in everyday things that a vanilla person wouldn't consider, and I enjoy that.

    1. 'many of the ideas embraced with power, authority, and traditional discipline actually run counter to who I am'
      I so agree with that statement. Nearly everything about my inner spanko monologue is the fliside of my everyday views and values. It can be confusing, but without the conflict life would be a lot less interesting:)
