
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Horsing around

One of my 2013 resolutions is to do more riding. I was talking with SO about it this morning and we're going to make it part of our get fit regime.
Then I logged on here and found that search terms over the last day include  'equestrian porn jodhpurs' and 'ladies in jodhpurs and spanking'. Which reminds me that my interest in all things equine is not entirely unconnected to SQ
As it happens I went to the saddlery yesterday to buy a turnout rug (a coat for a horse) for one of our ponies and was looking at jods. Time was when you could only get black, blue or stone colour, but now the choice is wonderful and some of the colours and designs are crazy.
I particularly like the design that has a seat and inner thigh panel that's a different colour. But for me there's a couple of problems in the brighter, breezier designs; firstly, I think they're a bit young for me - I worry that I'd be mutton dressed as lamb, and there's also the skill issue.
Bright pink or blue jods catch the eye, but if your riding is a bit rubbish - as mine is - then that's not a great thing. You'd rather blend in a bit more.
Anyway, the way jods (of any colour) cling to your bottom is a wonderful and erotic thing. It's something that I think the fabulous Pandora Blake seems to understand as her work often features horsey gear.
I love it all and for a spanko it immediately puts you in 'that' frame of mind. Add in riding whips, lots of leather and the saddle-soreness that comes with a long ride and the riding-spanko connection is a heady thing. Perhaps I could find a pair of pale pink jods with a vivid scarlet seat as a celebration of the sport's spanko heart.


  1. I have always wondered if the horse players are spanking fans....I know a few qho are both!

  2. You are so right about the whole equestrian thing. Its a potent mix indeed. I am a bit trad when it comes to horsey gear. Call me old fashioned but , Its stone coloured jods for me every time.
