
Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Crime and punishment, Benson style

Actions result in reactions. Wrong-doing should result in a well-smacked behind.
I'm enoying a little time looking at some great Roger Benson images - all spanking art masterpieces - and trying to make connections between them. It's as though they deserve to be put one after another and to have speech bubbles added like a cartoon strip.
This top one looked to me like it would add up to a serious misdemeanour in Benson's 1950s play park for spankos. What on earth does this young lady think she's doing? And it's 12.45, presumbly in the morning not in the afternoon. 
That has to be well after curfew, hasn't it? She should have been home hours ago, but instead she's in the kitchen making out.
Whose kitchen is it? His? Or are they at a party?
And I think the picture below looks like the outcome. Or something like it. Mum, aunt or perhaps a dorm mom and she looks very unhapy. 
Personally I'd think this was a situation that called for the hairbrush or the paddle. Something with a bit more bite than a ruler. 
But perhaps the ruler is just a warm-up for the top of the bill act. Anyway, hours of fun (when you should be working on a project that is horribly close to deadline...)


  1. Wow, still another Benson pulled from the ashheep of history. Where do you find them? Tell me after you meet your deadline. I don't want your bottom blistered. Well...

  2. Am I getting a bit Benson obsessed? Perhaps I should give it a rest.

  3. Would one a day be too much to ask?

  4. Love the otk with the ruler. And by the way, ever feel the ruler?

