Thursday, 29 March 2012

Scales of justice?

It's great to see an old friend, isn't it? So, thanks to Tush Spanking for sending an old friend my way. This is one of those pictures that pop up from time to time, but I've no idea where I saw it first. Janus maybe?
Anyway, I like it for all sorts of reasons. The uniform has a very authentic English 1930s (I love the hat) and her stance suggests resignation - she knows what's about to happen is unavoidable, will be unpleasant and is, probably, deserved.
And I like that stuffed fish. It adds a weird touch to the whole thing. I find myself wondering why she's in a room with a stuffed fish. Perhaps it's the private study of some whiskery old guardian who is a dedicated angler - and devoted disciplinarian.

PS If anyone knows where I can see the rest of the set please do let me know.


  1. That is a very nice round bottom... nearly perfect picture. But it looks a bit reddened, so don't you think it is an after shot?

  2. It thought just a little red from a bit of earlier smacking that was the satarter for a main course whacking to come. Something along the lines of 'wait til I get you home...', just to serve as a opening shot.

  3. Yes OFG I have been seeing that picture for years, and like you not sure where it came from. But your guess of Janus is probably correct, possibly Blushes or Uniform Girls that were popular back in the 70's and 80's. I tried to find it by going to those sites, but not successful yet Being a spanko for many years those magazines were my favorites before the internet.

    I agree, there has been some smacking done there, but from her body language, the spanking is not over, she is only waiting for the next phase. Anyway cute bottom, love to spank it, and it is good to be on your blog!

