Well, somewhere between a reading room and a bookshop actually, although a shop with only one title in stock at the moment. But I'm working on that.
I've been a professional writer for years, but have only recently taken the plunge and begun writing erotic fiction. I was finding it difficult to find the sort of well-written, novel-length stories I like to read - so decided to write one instead.

I strongly identify with my heroine Felicity (Flick to her friends). She is a Victorian young lady, but with more than a dash of 21st Century attitude, too. Her story runs to around 55,000 words and I'm quite pleased with it.

Here's some little blite-sized chunks that give a flavour of Flick's adventure:
do you come to be invading my privacy in this way, Miss Stirling? And making
free use of what’s mine?”
couldn’t think of anything to say. “If you had given the matter a moment’s
thought you wouldn’t be here now facing the music,” she said. “Would you?”
mistress’,” said Miss Harwood, mimicking Flick’s voice. “Nell, fetch Miss
Stirling the Number One cane.”
hurried from the room, leaving Flick and Miss Harwood alone. “You’re a wilful
young lady, Miss Stirling. Wilful, and in need of correction.”
mistress,” Flick said meekly. She could feel her heart race and she shook, but
under the fear she also felt a gathering arousal and knew that she was growing
Nell returns should I cane you? Is that what you deserve?”
thought of what she had heard the night before and shrunk from the prospect.
But she also knew that what they had been doing meant punishment was required
and felt she must take her share.
“Yes, miss,” she mumbled.
up girl,” Miss Harwood demanded.
mistress!” Flick responded, parade ground-style.
good. Take off your dress and corset, if you’re wearing one, and then stand in
that corner, hands on head,” said the Governess, indicating the corner by the
half open door.
felt the room’s chill air on his bare behind and his penis on the rough wool of
her skirt. “I’m sorry miss, so sorry,” he gabbled, confused by his reaction.
For what?”
thing, ma’am. I’m so ashamed,” he sobbed. But then his every muscle jolted with
shock as Harriet’s hand arrived between his legs and grasped his cock.
to be ashamed of here,” she said, her normally stern voice just a shade
honeyed. “Far from it... Clearly you’re finding this an interesting
go of his member she reached across to pick up a big wooden hairbrush that sat
on her desk. “Have you ever been corrected with a lady’s hairbrush, Mr
shook his head and mumbled “no miss”. “It’s a bit of a contradiction,” she
said. “A familiar and essential boudoir item. Seemingly inoffensive. But in the
right hands it is a fearsome instrument of chastisement. I think you’ll be
he was. The first spank landed four-square across both cheeks and he yelped
with shock at its smart. By the tenth he was bucking and shouting.
hundredth spank found him bruised, resigned and truly contrite, but still she
brought the brush back down on his writhing buttocks.
all she gave him ten dozen spanks. Resting the brush on his scalded cheeks she
said: “Now for the instructive part of our lesson, Mr Bunning. Are you
hadn’t been. He should have been, he knew, but he hadn’t been able to because
his attention had been elsewhere. The final flurry of spanks had been hard and
fast, so much so that his nervous system had been overwhelmed.
mind-bending smart of the punishment had taken its time to soak in, like rain
falling on already sodden earth. A quick flick of the brush across his calves
soon woke him up.
miss. Sorry, miss.”
are a virgin, aren’t you Mr Bunning.” It seemed to be a statement, not a
don’t think…”
don’t give a fig for what you think,” she said coldly. “A virgin. Yes or no?”
I presume?”
opened her eyes and looked across the room to where Nell stood in the doorway.
It came to her that she had been asleep, but couldn’t think for the moment
where she could be.
also caught a few fading threads of her dream. Her on her back, a man on top.
Oddly, the man was Charles Bunning.
Bunning! She shook her head to try to get her thoughts in order and was back –
in Nell’s bed, looking at a very disgruntled Nell.

up,” said Nell. Her tone had none of its usual subservience, but was
got to her feet and made an attempt to tidy her tangled hair. “I’m sorry, I
didn’t know it was your room...”
it is. You’re trespassing and you’ll now be punished for it.” Nell went to the
bed and lifted the mattress and took out a butter pat. The rectangle of wood
with its shaped handle was a perfect spanking implement, Flick could see.
Flick a significant look Nell sat on the end of the bed and made a lap,
smoothing her skirt ready for Flick to take up position. “Over you go.”
Flick climbed into place. She hadn’t replaced her drawers so when her skirt was
lifted her bottom was bare and ready. It felt big and vulnerable and she
clenched her buttocks nervously.
think you’ve earned yourself a sound spanking, don’t you,” said Nell.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice writing
Love to read it...
:-) I'd love the drawings also!
Love, Monsieur Fessee
Thank you.